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Workout Tips to Stay Hydrated During Outdoor Exercise this Summer

Summertime means longer days and more opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors.

Forget spending hours coped up in a gym, longing to enjoy the gorgeous sunny day and light breeze. You can exercise outside, following your regular fitness routine while enjoying nature.

Before exercising outside, there are minor risks to be aware of. Familiarize yourself with symptoms of dehydration after exercise. Dehydration happens when our body loses more water than it intakes. Sweating is one of the most common ways to lose water. Increased temperatures in the summer can cause increased perspiration which may lead to dehydration.

DripDrop electrolyte drink mix contains the precise ratio of sodium to glucose that unlocks a hydration shortcut, allowing your body to more quickly absorb water and vitamins. Incorporating this into your outdoor exercise routine along with pre- and post-workout stretches can help prevent injury and dehydration.

Tips for Exercising Outdoors

Bring a Reusable Water Bottle

Even though drinking water seems simple, it can be difficult to remember throughout the day. The busy-ness of everyday life often distracts us from simple needs like hydration. Carrying a reusable water bottle is a great physical reminder to sip throughout the day. Drinking fluids and electrolytes even when you’re not doing physical activity is essential, especially if you plan to exercise outside later in the day. If you still have trouble reminding yourself to drink water throughout the day, consider setting timers on your phone to prompt you to sip.

Avoid Dehydrating Drinks

Drinks that contain caffeine and high amounts of sugar are often considered to cause dehydration. Sugar drinks like soda and traditional sports drinks can have a dehydrating effect because of the sugar content. However, modest amounts of drinks with caffeine are not directly connected to dehydration. These drinks, like tea and coffee, can have a diuretic effect, which may cause you to lose more water than you take in. Avoid caffeinated and sugar drinks before you go to exercise outside.

Add Electrolyte Powder Packets to Your Drinking Water

In the summer, we are particularly susceptible to dehydration. As temperatures rise, our bodies sweat out more water, requiring us to consume more water than normal to replace what we’ve lost. Dehydration sets in when we lose more water than we take in, so drinking water in the summer—especially if you’re active—is essential.

DripDrop is one of the best post-workout hydration drinks in the summer. Its doctor-developed formula is specifically designed with the right ratio of sodium to glucose to increase your body’s ability to absorb water and electrolytes. This helps you hydrate fast and keeps your energy high for the perfect outdoor summer workout.

Learn to recognize symptoms of dehydration after exercise such as:

  • Thirst

  • Dry mouth

  • Dark colored urine

  • Muscle cramps

If you notice these mild symptoms, reach for your DripDrop to hydrate fast.

Drink Water Before, During, and After Exercise

Drinking water is obviously the most important tip to staying hydrated this summer. But chugging one glass of water with your breakfast isn’t going to keep your body nourished and hydrated all day. People often quickly drink large quantities of water immediately after a physical activity.

This kind of thirst can be a sign of mild dehydration from the water lost while sweating. We often don’t recognize the signs until dehydration has become more severe.

To avoid even the most mild symptoms, you should be drinking water throughout the day. Make a conscious effort to drink plenty of water before you start an exercise, preparing your body for fluid loss. Then, replace that water periodically during and after exercise. If you’re looking for the best post-hydration workout drink, turn to DripDrop for delicious taste, increased performance, and fast hydration.

Boost Electrolyte Intake

As previously mentioned, when your body loses water, you’re also losing electrolytes. These minerals and vitamins contribute to many vital bodily function and need to be replenished, too. DripDrop includes electrolytes your body needs, so adding it to your water can boost your electrolyte intake. Eating hydrating foods high in electrolytes is another way to restock your body’s supply. Many fruits and veggies such as watermelons, bananas, and avocados are packed with high water content and vital electrolytes.

Consider the Time of Day

Plan what time of day you’re going to exercise outside. One of the greatest risks of outdoor exercise in the summer is greater chance of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Exercising outside in the middle of the day when the sun is at its hottest puts you at a much greater risk of dehydration and increased internal body temperature. This can be very dangerous, especially if it turns into a heat stroke, which means your body can no longer control its temperature.

Avoid potential heat stroke and dehydration by:

  • Avoid exercising outside on days when the temperature is hotter than average.

  • Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day by planning workouts for early morning or late afternoon/evening when the sun is less strong.

  • Workout in places with easily accessible shade.

  • Bring lots of water with you to help your body cool down throughout your workout.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

You may not realize that sunburn and dehydration are connected. A severe sunburn can cause you to become dehydrated because it brings fluid to the surface of your skin, removing it from your body. Avoid the painful burn and the risk of dehydration by always wearing sunscreen before an outdoor workout — and don’t forget to drink your water!

Stay Hydrated When Exercising Outside this Summer

Heading outside to exercise is an excellent perk of summer. It can elevate our mood and increase our connection to nature. But it’s important to follow our workout tips to avoid dehydration, which can unfortunately lead to other issues. The biggest takeaway is to drink water all day long and avoid overheating your body from extended sun exposure.

DripDrop is the best post-workout hydration drink to have this summer. The doctor-developed formula is designed to hydrate you fast and includes three times the amount of electrolytes as traditional sports drinks with half the amount of sugar. Try the variety pack to discover your new favorite flavor and stay hydrated all summer long.